Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Malcolm X

Malcolm X

Malcolm goes on the Hajj and finds True Islam. Malcolm Renounces his past with Nation of Islam and becomes a True Muslim following Sunni Islam. Malcolm talks about his experience on the hajj, and what it means to be a Muslim. He suprises everyone on his return from Makkah, and unfortunately just before he could make an even greater impact by calling people to Islam he was assassinated. May Allah bless him, one of the most important people in 20th Century Politics and American History.

From Catholic to Muslim

From Catholic to Muslim

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and more women then men are converting to Islam. This is the story of an Irish-American woman who converted to Islam from Christianity.

Reverting to islam: David

Reverting to islam: David

(4 weeks as a muslim)

(2 month as a muslim)

Reverting to islam: Dr J Nicholson.

Reverting to islam: Dr J Nicholson.

Dr. J Nicholson is a PhD in Theology, he used to be part of the Jehovah's witnesses and he came to Islam, and he is going to share his story with us

The Veil... by Dawud Wharnsby

The Veil...
A recital by Dawud Wharnsby of the song written dedicated to Sisters of Modesty...

A Young Man Accepted Islam

A Young Man Accepted Islam

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Lion roars "Allah"!

Lion roars "Allah"

The lion makes short ablution and says the name of Allah! Thousand visitors of a zoo in city Baku became witnesses of this miracle. The ... all » inspector of the zoo said, that the Lion was brought from Iran in 1999.

We are Proud Muslims

A great video about the greatness of our religion, Islam

Friday, August 25, 2006

Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet

Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet

Legacy of a Prophet tells the story of the 7th century merchant who changed world history in 23 years, and continues to ... all » shape the lives of more than 1.2 billion people today. This film creates a lively, thorough, and honest portrait of Muhammad; one that takes viewers not only to ancient Arabian locations where Muhammad's story unfolded, but also into the homes, mosques and workplaces of some of America's seven million Muslims. Leading scholars and theologians round out the documentary with insights and details about Muhammad, what he did, and why Muslims call him the Final Prophet

Click here to watch it

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Culture vs Islam (from UmmahFilms)

Culture vs Islam

This week's episode is about how some parents love their culture so much that even if it conflict with Islam, they will continue to practice it.

How can we complain about the situation of the Muslims if we love the parts of our culture that conflict with Islam more than we love Allah (swt)?

Taken from

Monday, August 21, 2006

Ghurabaa (Strangers) by Sa'ad al-Ghaamidee

Ghurabaa (Strangers)
by Sa'ad al-Ghaamidee

Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`

Ghurabaa` do not bow the foreheads to anyone besides Allah
Ghurabaa` have chosen this to be the motto of life
Ghurabaa` do not bow the foreheads to anyone besides Allah
Ghurabaa` have chosen this to be the motto of life
If you ask about us, then we do not care about the tyrants
We are the regular soldiers of Allah, our path is a reserved path
If you ask about us, then we do not care about the tyrants
We are the regular soldiers of Allah, our path is a reserved path

Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
We never care about the chains, rather we'll continue forever
We never care about the chains, rather we'll continue forever
So let us make jihad, and battle, and fight from the start
Ghurabaa`, this is how they are free in the enslaved world
So let us make jihad, and battle, and fight from the start
Ghurabaa`, this is how they are free in the enslaved world
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
How many times we remembered a time when we were happy
In the book of Allah, we recite in the morning and the evening
How many times we remembered a time when we were happy
In the book of Allah, we recite in the morning and the evening

Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
Ghurabaa` do not bow the foreheads to anyone besides Allah
Ghurabaa` have chosen this to be the motto of life
Ghurabaa` do not bow the foreheads to anyone besides Allah
Ghurabaa` have chosen this to be the motto of life
If you ask about us, then we do not care about the tyrants
We are the regular soldiers of Allah, our path is a reserved path
If you ask about us, then we do not care about the tyrants
We are the regular soldiers of Allah, our path is a reserved path

Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`

The Prophet SAW said "Islam began as something strange, and it will return as something strange the way it began. So Tooba for the Strangers"

Click on the link below to

Saturday, August 19, 2006


الرسالة الأولى للفتيات من الشبكة الاسلامية
فلاش مؤثر عن مصير الفتيات الواتي يقعن بحب الذئاب البشرية التي تتربص للفتيات العفيفات
والله المستعان

اضغط هنا لمشاهدة الفلاش

شهادات علماء الغرب بالإعجاز العلمي في القرآن الكريم

شهادات علماء الغرب بالإعجاز العلمي في القرآن الكريم

البروفيسور . كيث مور
البروفيسور كيث مور من أكبر علماء التشريح والأجنة في العالم , في عام 1984 إستلم الجائزة الأكثر بروزا قدّمت في حقل علم التشريح في كندا، جي. سي. بي . جائزة جرانت من الجمعية الكندية لإختصاصيي التشريح. وجّه العديد من الجمعيات الدولية، مثل الجمعية الكندية والأمريكية لإختصاصيي التشريح ومجلس إتحاد العلوم الحيوية.
حمل الفلم الأول من هنا
حمل الفلم الثاني من هنا

البروفيسور . بيرسود
البروفيسور بيرسود أستاذ علم التشريح، وأستاذ صحة الطفل وطب الأطفال ، وأستاذ التوليد، طبّ نسائي ، كان رئيس قسم علم التشريح لـ16 سنة. وهو مشهور في حقله. وهو المؤلف لـ 22 كتاب دراسي ونشر أكثر من 181 صحيفة علمية. في عام 1991 إستلم الجائزة الأكثر بروزا التي قدّمت في حقل علم التشريح في كندا، جي. سي. بي . جائزة جرانت من الجمعية الكندية لإختصاصيي التشريح
حمل الفلم من هنا

البروفيسور . جولاي سيمبسن
البروفيسور جولاي سيمبسن رئيس قسم التوليد والطبّ النسائي ، أستاذ التوليد والطبّ النسائي ، وأستاذ علم الوراثة الجزيئي والإنساني في كليّة بايلور للطبّ، هيوستن، تكساس، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
حمل الفلم من هنا

البروفيسور . مارشال جونسون
البروفيسور مارشال جونسن الأستاذ لعلم التشريح وعلم الأحياء التطويري في جامعة توماس جيفيرسن ، فيلاديلفيا، بينسلفانيا ، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
حمل الفلم الأول من هنا
حمل الفلم الثاني من هنا

البروفيسور . جيرالد سي
البروفيسور جيرالد سي . غويرينجير , مدير وأستاذ علم أجنة طبي في قسم علم حياة الخلية، كلّية طبّ جامعة جورج تاون ، واشنطن ، دي سي ، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
حمل الفلم من هنا

البروفيسور . يوشيهيدي كوزاي
البروفيسور يوشيهيدي كوزاي الأستاذ إميريتوس في جامعة طوكيو، هونجو ، طوكيو، اليابان ، وكان مدير المرصد الفلكي الوطني ، ميتاكا ، طوكيو ، اليابان
حمل الفلم من هنا

البروفيسور . تيجاتات تيجاسين
البروفيسور تيجاتات تيجاسين رئيس قسم علم التشريح في جامعة شيانك مي ، تايلند وقد أدلى بشهادته بأن هذا الكلام لايمكن أن يصدر من بشر وبعد ذلك نطق بالشهادتين
حمل الفلم من هنا

Scientists’ Comments on the Scientific Miracles in the Holy Quran

Scientists’ Comments on the Scientific Miracles in the Holy Quran

The following are some comments of scientistson the scientific miracles in the Holy Quran. All of these comments have been taken from the videotape entitled This is the Truth. In this videotape, you can see and hear the scientists while they are giving the following comments.

Prof. Keith L. Moore- 1
Prof. Keith L. Moore- 2
Prof. Alfred Kroner - 1
Prof. Alfred Kroner- 2
Prof. T. V. N. Persaud
Prof. Joe Leigh Simpson
Prof. E. Marshall Johnson- 1
Prof. E. Marshall Johnson- 2
Prof. William W. Hey
Prof. Gerald G. Goeringer
Prof. Yoshihide Kozai
Prof. Tejatat Tejasen

Note that the quality of these video clips and the videotape This is the Truth are a little bit low, due to the weakness of the original film.

You can read the comments HERE!

Taken from

Friday, August 18, 2006

Women in Islam and Hijab

Muslim women face many challenges in Western society, especially in wearing the veil. This short video shows some challenges that Muslim women face, their view of the veil, and their view of Islamic issues in general. It shows how the veil is regarded as a symbol of purity and liberation in religion, and celebrates happiness rather than oppression.

A great video, showing perspectives from Muslim women students. Circulate video at will.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

لم يتجـاوز عـددهم العـشـرين

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Illa Salaati

Beautiful nasheed video by mishary rashid el-efsay

Tawfeeq As-Sayegh

Tawfeeq As-Sayegh reciting the Quran.


Sunday, August 13, 2006

شتان بين امرأتين- فلاش

فلاش مؤثر يبين الفرق بين المرأة المسلمة الحقيقية والفتاة التي غرها الشيطان والغرب بأرائه الساقطة فانجرفت وراء الشهوات
والله المستعان

اضغط هنا لمشاهدة الفلاش من قافلة الداعيات- جزى الله القائمين على هذا الموقع

Saturday, August 12, 2006

مقطع مؤثر لحادث تفحيط

مقطع مؤثر لحادث تفحيط

طلع البدر علينا- مشاري راشد

طلع البدر علينا
للمنشد مشاري راشد

Friday, August 11, 2006

Abdus-Salam - My Journey to Islam

Abdus-Salam - My Journey to Islam

Abdus-Salam gives his personal story of how he became Muslim and his journey through life.

Also Watch the video on LightUponLight


Islam in Jail, How Muslims and Islam plays role in rehabilitation

Islam in Jail, How Muslims and Islam plays role in rehabilitation

Islam in Jail, How Muslims and Islam plays role in rehabilitation . ... all » Muslim prisoners talk about Islam and how it affects them. Increasin number of prisoners are turning to Islam and not reoffending.

Click here to Watch the Video!


Adorable Italian child boy reciting Quran

Adorable Italian child boy reciting Quran

Youngest Muslim Reverts in The World. Children in England Turn To Islam.

Youngest Muslim Reverts in The World. Children in England Turn To Islam.

This video just Shows kids who were interested in Islam. They were attracted to the Mosque and wanted to learn more about the Religion. Nobody has gone around to actually tell these kids what to do, it is by their own free choice and they just like going to the Mosque and like Muslim culture..

From Darkness To Light

From Darkness To Light

Various Reverts to Islam, Talk about the Misconceptions they previously had. They are people from different backgrounds who have become Muslim. Many of them had very very bad misconceptions about Islam. They believed women were oppressed, that they were forced to wear hijab. But, alhamdulilah, Allah showed them the way to Islam. They realised how mistaken they were, so here they speak about why it is important for people to study and learn about the True Islam.

Just notice what they say, they didnt know anything about Islam just because Muslim never bothered to approach out




The Life of Cat Stevens and How he Became Muslim.

The Life of Cat Stevens and How he Became Muslim.

The Life of Cat Stevens and How he Became Muslim. This Documentary follows the life of Yusuf Islam, from his family background, early years through to the work he does today. It is a nice documentary which shows how a famous Pop Star became Muslim. His family and other people from the music industry are interviewed.

This is a re-edited version which will be more beneficial inshaALlah. Interview with his brother and family and friends.

Jan's Story Why She Loves Islam

Jan's Story Why She Loves Islam

Sister Jan Talks about Islam and her former faith Christianity.

Sister Jan is an English Revert to Islam. She explains why she loves Islam so much. She converted from Christianity, "my friends say you were a Good Christian, why have you sold out?, almost is what they would imply.. my answer to that is well i didnt know about the Prophet (Muhammad ) so its been enriching of my faith" ..........

..........."It was only in the 1960s (in England), when we (women) could open a bank account without having our husband sign the bank cheque. Islamic Women have always had those rights. If i stick to what the Quran says to me, and what the message is, it is very clear to me, that i have total equality. Just do what it says, and nobody can argue with me on that."..............

This short film follows her journey to beginning to wear the Hijab and learning more about Islam. May Allah help her and make it easy for her.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Jews and Christians Convert to Islam

Jews and Christians Convert to Islam

This video clip is about an Islamic (Muslim) Seminary that was founded by a former Christian.

Richard's Journey to Islam

Richard's Journey to Islam
A man's journey to Islam from Bellise

Part 1

Part 2

Jerome - How I wrestled my way to Islam

Jerome - How I wrestled my way to Islam

Jerome is the first 100% blind person who was accepted into professional wrestling. He came to Islam after reading about the beautiful story of Malcolm X, and then later he studied Islam and began to read the Quran in Arabic Braille.

Surah Al - furqan- By Al Afasi

Surah Al - furqan
By Al Afasi

Touching Recitation

The Qari begins to cry while reciting Chapter 50 from the Holy Quran. The Hour of Judgement is Near, but humans forget or reject the Message, as did the people of Noah, Ad, Thamud, Lot, and Pharaoh. Is there anyone that will take lesson?

تكريم المرأة في الإسلام للاستاذ وجدي غنيم

اذا لم يعمل الرابط فنرجو ان تزور هذه الصفحة تكريم المرأة في الإسلام

رابط لحفظ المحاضرة

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

A Blanket of Sand (Grave) فرشي تراب

Distractions During Salat (Prayer)

Distractions During Salat (Prayer)

Sometimes concentrating on the Salat (prayer) isn't easy. You assume that Shaitan is going to distract you but it becomes even harder to focus when the person praying next to you is distracting you.

ماذا قدمت لدين الله ؟

اذا لم يعمل الرابط فنرجو ان تزور هذه الصفحة

لحفظ المحاضرة


Crystal - How I Became Muslim

Crystal - How I Became Muslim

Crystal talks about her journey to Islam. How she had some non-muslims telling her lies about Islam and how she had a good Muslim friend who showed her the true way of a Muslim

Shaheed - From Darkness to Light

Shahid - Journey From Christianity

Shaheed - From Darkness to Light

He talked about how he used to wander and be living like a thug, and how he became Muslim and it cured him and saved him.

Robert Heft - Former Gambling Addict

Robert Heft - Former Gambling Addict

Robert explains how he was a gambling addict and his life was messed up. And then how Islam came and saved him from his diseases and purified his soul. He also talks about his experiences in Iraq and the current Jihad over there

In this video Mohammad Robert Heft (Former Gambling Adict) explain how he came to Islam. What were the factors that showed him that Islam is the true religion. He also explains about the impact of becomming a muslim on his life.

Muhammad Musab chnaged from christianiy to Islam. He was a drunkard, a gambler etc and came to Islam.


Also Check the video on LightUponLight

4 New Muslims from 4 Corners of the World

4 New Muslims from 4 Corners of the World

A documentary on 4 people who converted to Islam and how their life has changed since

From Hinduism to Islam - Story Of Abdullah

Why I Embraced Islam - Story Of Abdullah

Story of Abdullah, why he converted from hinduism to Islam.

And Also: Abdullah converted to Islam from Hinduism. Hear his story before and after Islam. Here is a summary of how he got there.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Priests and Preachers Enter Islam

Priests and Preachers Enter Islam

Former Christian, Yusuf Estes, tells the story of priest, preacher and ministers (and others) all coming to Islam - in TEXAS!

Please check brother Yusuf Estes Site Islam Yesterday

Turning Muslim in Texas . People reverting to Islam in Texas.

Muslim in Texas. Video About Islam in Texas, America
Turning Muslim in Texas Documentary

George W Bush may be backed by Christian fundamentalists but in his home state of Texas, Islam is the latest big draw.

Eric was a Baptist preacher before he became a Muslim 14 years ago. Now he prays five times a day – even in the middle of watching a football game. His wife, Karen, also a convert, is covered from head to toe in the traditional Muslim Clothes. Islam, says Eric, ‘is everything I wanted Christianty to be’. His mother has found it hard to come to terms with her son’s conversion and believes he will return to the Christan faith: ‘Then he will be a dynamic preacher.’ Eric says: ‘Maybe some day she’ll embrace Islam.’

Women are also becoming followers of Islam. Yasmine (previously Mindy) arranged a marriage for herself and has three children. Islam, she says is ‘the solution to a lot of the prevailing evils: drugs, adultery, fornication…’ Converts often see the religious laws more clearly than those who have been brought up as Muslims and Yasmine can spot a mistake at 20 paces. She believes that she has a unique opportunity to help people who are born into the religion get back to the fundamentals.

Catherine has been a Muslim for two weeks. She came from a privileged background – private school followed by a career in PR. Now the established Muslim women guide her through the purification rituals as she washes before prayer and removes her nail varnish.
David is the only white Muslim in his little town on Route 66. He believes his new religion makes him a better American and, far from undermining liberties, gives the individual more rights. He had an arranged marriage and his wife, who was born a Muslim, was shocked by the strictness with which he insists they live their lives. His family – a white man with his wife and daughter dressed in their hijabs (headscarves) –are stared in the streets and supermarkets of their one-horse town.
There are 400,000 Muslims in Texas alone and Islam is the fastest growing religion in the USA. Since 9/11 there have been more converts to Islam than ever. Eric believes that people are trying to understand Muslims and want to learn about their religion. Yasmine says: ‘America should not be afraid. If it would be better Muslims were the majority. If a child asks me: “Who made this leaf?” I say, “Allah. Allah made everything.”’

Who Hijacked my Religion- From UmmahFilms

Who Hijacked Islam??!

I turn on the TV and I'm amazed the type of characters they have explaining my religion to the masses. No wonder the world is confused about Islam.

كيف تقوي إيمانك ؟ لفضيلة الشيخ نبيل بن علي العوضي