Friday, August 11, 2006

Jan's Story Why She Loves Islam

Jan's Story Why She Loves Islam

Sister Jan Talks about Islam and her former faith Christianity.

Sister Jan is an English Revert to Islam. She explains why she loves Islam so much. She converted from Christianity, "my friends say you were a Good Christian, why have you sold out?, almost is what they would imply.. my answer to that is well i didnt know about the Prophet (Muhammad ) so its been enriching of my faith" ..........

..........."It was only in the 1960s (in England), when we (women) could open a bank account without having our husband sign the bank cheque. Islamic Women have always had those rights. If i stick to what the Quran says to me, and what the message is, it is very clear to me, that i have total equality. Just do what it says, and nobody can argue with me on that."..............

This short film follows her journey to beginning to wear the Hijab and learning more about Islam. May Allah help her and make it easy for her.


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