Why did you choose the topic of Hijab? The hijab is a very sensitive issue for women. It can be very awkward for one sister to tell another sister that she isn’t wearing it properly but it is even more difficult for a brother to say anything. Sometimes it is easier hearing it from someone who doesn’t know you (that’s me) so that’s why I took the opportunity that I have with this video series to do an episode on Hijab.
What was the inspiration behind the topic? I have received a lot of emails regarding covering an issue that relates to sisters. Since Islamically men can not act like women and women can not act like men, I have been unable to cover various Muslimah subjects since there numerous restrictions makes it challenging. Neverthless, these restrictions should not discourage us but rather it forces us to be more creative.
How difficult is it to come up with the content for the video? The true challenge is to write in such a way that it will make the people think and remember. There are many informative videos on the web but the average person doesn’t watch them because they can’t relate to the speaker or their message. Then are many other videos which are only made for the sake of entertainment but there is nothing you can gain from them. I wanted to make videos that would make people think. The way I communicate my message is done so that people will remember it InshAllah.
How come you don’t talk about the common issues? I think there are a lot of issues that often go unspoken because people are afraid of speaking about them. I ‘m not trying to be politically correct but rather I want to be honest. If we continue to ignore things, it doesn’t help anyone.
Who are you to tell sisters about Hijab? I am not better than anyone who watches these videos. I not only make these videos as reminder for the viewers but I make them as reminders for myself as well. I am constantly striving to improve myself so I can be a better Muslim InshAllah. I know I have many faults so whenever someone reminds me of something of Islam, they do so because they care about me…not because they are attacking me. Thus, I don’t take it personal and I hope my viewers don’t take it personal either.
This may be the most controversial subject you have covered? Aren't you worried about what people will think? My goal is to make people think. I'm not trying to be politically correct but rather I want to say the truth. I would rather have a black belt in keeping it real rather than ignore issues and pretend they don't exist. You know what I'm sayin?
Why is the video so dark? I messed up during filming and put the light in the wrong part. I didn't discover the issues until I started editing it and it was too late. Its ok. This entire project is a learning process so I'm learning.
Who built the new Ummah Films intro at the beginning of the video? The same brother who designed our website. www.imanstudios.com