Friday, September 29, 2006

Shahada of 2 French women

2 French women taking shahada (becoming muslims)

Parrot Reciting Quran

Miracles of Allah

Susan Carland (Australian Muslim of the Year 2004) and her journey to Islam.

Susan Carland (Australian Muslim of the Year 2004) and her journey to Islam.

This short film made and supplied by Sister VerityP. It was made before she became Muslim. It follows Susan Carland (Australian Muslim of the Year 2004) and her journey to Islam, why she decided to become a muslim. Sister Verity says: "It was the first film I ever made, I converted to Islam shortly after making it."

Saudi Kid reading Quran Surah Yaseen

Saudi Kid reading Quran Surah Yaseen

Taken from

Angela Colins Fox News - Muslim After September 11 9/11

Angela Colins Fox News - Muslim After September 11 9/11

She Became Muslim After 9/11. She had many of her family members who died on September 11th. She studied Islam and came to find it to be quite different from what other people told her. . and the way the media percieved it to be. She reverted to Islam from her Catholic Faith. Now she is a Muslim teacher.

After September 11 - Jewish And Catholic Women Become Muslim

After September 11 - Jewish And Catholic Women Become Muslim
Jewish And Catholic Women Women Become Muslim After September 11.

AlJazeera Interviews some American New Muslim women who became Muslim after 9/11. Aljazeera and FoxNews both interviewed Angela Colins, an ex-Catholic from sunny California. Safiya, who used to be an American Jew... Lost 8 of her relatives in September 11, however, this did not make her blame Islam for the actions of the perpetrators of September 11. Instead, she loved Islam and became Muslim. Having studied Islam and the Quran both women found out, that it has little to do with the extremist actions of a few lone people..... but it gives true meaning to worshipping God alone and not associating any partners with him. It is God's true message to mankind.

Dua Safr, Prayer said for Travel said by Mashari Rashid Afasi

Dua Safr, Prayer said for Travel said by Mashari Rashid Afasi.

The dua of Safr should be read by anyone who is travelling. It is the Sunnah of the Prophet

‘Allaah is the greatest, Allaah is the greatest,
Allaah is the greatest, How perfect He is,
The One Who has place this (transport) at our service,
and we ourselves would not have been capable of that, and to our Lord if our final destiny.
O Allaah, we ask You for birr and taqwaa in this journey of ours,
and we ask You for deeds which please You.
O Allaah, facilitate our journey and let us cover its distance quickly.
O Allaah, You are The Companion on the journey and The Successor over the family,
O Allaah, I take refuge with You from the difficulties of travel,
from having a change of hearts and being in a bad predicament,
and I take refuge in You from an ill fated outcome with wealth and family.’

…upon returning the same supplication is recited with the following addition:


‘We return, repent, worship and praise our Lord.’

Yvonne Ridley Explains the Role of Women in Islam and how she became Muslim

Yvonne Ridley New 2006 Interview Talks about Islam

Talks about How She As an Active Feminist Chose to Become Muslim

Yvonne Ridley Explains the Role of Women in Islam

Clears Misconceptions, She used to believe that the Quran advocated beating of women, subjudation and intolerance. However, when she actually looked in the Quran and read it, She became convinced it was truly a message from God. She left Church of England and Christianity to become a Muslim. She explains Islam quite well in this video and it is a recommended video to watch for anyone Muslim or non Muslim.Also She Critisises Muslim Haters like Irshad Manji.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Madinah Fast Opening on First Ramadan 1427 (2006)

Madinah Fast Opening on First Ramadan 1427 (2006)

Muslims from All over the world gather at Masjid Al Nabawi (the Prophet's Mosque) in Madinah (Saudi Arabia) to open their fasts and to pray the Maghrib prayer (sunset time prayer). Local Saudi's offer their Sufra (place where there is food) to the visiting guests. Many families have for hundreds of years kept tradition of laying out food for the Muslim travellers from around the world.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Ghusl, Kaffan and Janazah Instructional Lecture

Shaykh Kamal El-Sayegh provides an instructional lecture on preparation for the burial of a Muslim and the Funeral Prayer.

Taken From

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Islam in Nederland (Netherlands

Islam in Nederland (Netherlands)

Video about Revert Muslim women in Holland. This video focuses on the lives of some Dutch Muslim women and their families. Their life as Muslims in Europe.

MashaAllah, they really love and practise their deen as much as they can. They try their best to make their families be comfortable and understand why they took the decisions that they did to become Muslim and to worship Allah alone.

Thanks to sister Hajar for translation.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The begining of the revelation of Quran to Prophet Muhammad

The begining of the revelation of Quran to Prophet Muhammad

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Seasonal Muslims

Seasonal Muslims

Ramadan Muslims & the not-so-halal-meat-market at Eid.

We can't afford to be part time Muslims.

Taken From UmmahFilms

Saturday, September 02, 2006

بنيتي بنيتي للمنشد ابو علي

بنيتي بنيتي

بنيتي بنيتي مقامها في مهجتي
إن كان لي من فتنة في العمر فهي فتنتي
يافتنة خلابة منحتها محبتي
فكلها براءة تقر منها مقلتي
وخطوة سحرية تنساب مثل النسمة
وحين تبسم لي تأسرني بالبسمة
كأنما الدنيا تماماً أصبحت في قبضتي
ابدأ يومي دائماً بقبلة من طفلتي
لإنني أعود طفلاً بعد تلك القبلة
وحينما أعود من دوامة الوظيفة
وأدخل البيت أرى بنيتي حبيبتي
قد فتحت أذرعها بابا أتى يافرحتي
أحمل بنتي عالياً بأذرعي كالنجمة
أسالها من جائكم تقول جائت جدتي
وجاء جدي راشد وخالتي وعمتي
مهلاً أيا صغيرتي هل جاء كل الأسرة ؟؟
وحين أغفو تماماً بعد أكل الكبسة
تجيئني مسرعة توقظني من غفوتي
بابا كسرت لعبتي وتارة تقول لي بابا نكسة جزمتي
لكنني أنهرها هيا أخرجي من حجرتي
يالك من مؤذية ثرثارة هيا اصمتي
تقول لي ياأبتي تغفو معاً في الغرفة
وعندها أحملها على كفوف الرحمة
إذا بها تنظرني بابا نسيت قصتي
وعندها أبدأ في حكايتي للحلوة
حكايتي الذئب الذي أراد أكل النعجة
تنام في حجري فأثنيها تجاه القبلة
ثم أعود بعدها مستغرقاً في نومتي

Adan from Masjid Nabawi in Madinah(1953)

ايها العالم

ايها العالم

نشيد مؤثر عن اخواننا في الشيشان للمنشد ابو علي من شريطه من للثكالى؟

Reverting to Islam- Sister Carolyne

Carolyne, a convert to Islam

Carolyne talks about becoming a Muslim, how she first told her parents, how and why she became Muslim, as well as her thoughts on Hijab.

The Choice - A Story of New American Muslim Convert

The Choice - A Story of New American Muslim Convert

Friday, September 01, 2006

Islamophobia Test in England. The Hijab Woman and Racist Abuse in Town Centre

Islamophobia Test in England. The Hijab Woman and Racist Abuse in Town Centre

Does wearing a Hijab affect the way people percieve Muslim Women? In this Test, 3 actresses re-enact a typical verbally abusive racist scene in a busy town centre. One woman is dressed as a Muslim, whilst the other two dress in typical western clothes. They shout racial abuse at her, to see if anyone pays attention or tries to stop it.

135 Shahadas (Bearing witness/Conversions to Islam)

Yusuf Estes, an American born Texan Muslim who converted to Islam very late in his life explains Islam and the basics of Islam in easy terms in Curacao, where 135 people accept Islam immediately after the talk. Watch this powerful video to see how Islam is spreading in the world today.

Taken from